ホロアース 二次創作ガイドライン


カバー株式会社(以下「当社」といいます)は、当社が提供するホロアースにおけるコンテンツを、より多くのファンの皆様が、より多様な形で、安心して楽しめることを願い、ホロアース 二次創作ガイドライン(以下「本ガイドライン」といいます)を制定いたします。











1. ガイドラインの定めにかかわらず、「ホロアース」内の一部コンテンツ(ホロアース内に実施、開催されるライブイベント配信を含みますがこれに限られません)については、ゲーム実況配信を含めたスクリーンショット撮影、録音、録画(リアルタイムか否かを問いません)、ミラー配信その他行為を禁止することがございます。具体的な撮影禁止部分については、別途ホロアース内、当社ウェブサイトその他当社所定の方法で告知いたします。









  • 当社所属タレントの心情にご配慮いただき、所属タレントが不快と感じる創作活動はお控えください
  • ホロアース利用ユーザー間におけるコミュニティマナーにご配慮いただき、他の利用ユーザーに迷惑をかける創作活動はお控えください
  • いわゆる同人活動や趣味の範囲でお願いいたします。営利目的と認められるもの、法人による利用(個人名義であっても法人が制作費等を負担する場合を含めます)はお断りしております
  • 適用される法令、規則や利用プラットフォームの規約その他規定を遵守してください
  • 次のような表現を伴う創作活動はお控えください
  • 公式と詐称、または公式と誤解・誤認されうるもの
  • 公序良俗に反するもの、反社会的なもの
  • 特定の思想・信条や宗教的、政治的な内容を含むもの
  • 当社または当社コンテンツのイメージを著しく損なうもの
  • 第三者の名誉・品位等を傷つけるもの、第三者の権利を侵害するもの
  • その他当社が不適切と判断するもの






2024年9月19日 制定

Holoearth Derivative Works Guidelines


COVER Corp. (hereinafter to be referred to as “Company,” “We,” “Us,” or “Our” as the case may be) has established Holoearth Derivative Works guideline (hereinafter to be referred to as “Guidelines”) for the creation and use of derivative works so that fans may have the peace of mind to be able to enjoy our content in as many different forms as possible.

When creating derivative works of content within “Holoearth” that comply with these Guidelines, there is no need to contact us for permission.

Please also note that the other guidelines and policies stipulated by the Company constitute Guidelines and should be read and observed in conjunction with these Guidelines.

▼Regarding “Live Game Streaming”

1. Guidelines

The Company is supportive of any “Live Game Streaming” of the game on various platforms so that “Holoearth” can be enjoyed in various ways by all Users.

For individuals: On the condition that individuals comply with these Guidelines and the Company’s Derivative Works Guidelines, the Company shall not assert any copyright infringement claims against Users that perform “Live Game Streaming” of the Services on YouTube, niconico, Twitch, TwitCasting and any other so-called video streaming services, regardless of whether so-called monetization features are turned “on” or not (refers to monetization systems that are built into video streaming services, such as the “YouTube Partner Program” that includes Super Chat functions, niconico’s “Creator Incentive Program,” and other similar programs).

Please note that the foregoing does not apply to companies or individuals that belong to corporate entities or organizations. If you are streaming on behalf of a corporate entity or organization, please contact us if you wish to perform “Live Game Streaming.”

***Request Form***

2. Prohibitions of Screen Capturing

Notwithstanding the Guidelines, we may prohibit screenshot capturing, recordings of the audio or video (whether or not it is in real time), mirror streaming or other acts with respect to certain content within “Holoearth” (including but not limited to live event streaming within “Holoearth”). The specific ways in which we prohibit the foregoing acts shall be announced separately within “Holoearth,” the Company’s website, or in other ways prescribed by the Company.

▼General Guidelines regarding Derivative Works including “Live Game Streaming”

1. Definition of Derivative Works

We consider derivative works to be creations born of fans’ ideas and creativity, based on “Holoearth.”

We will not exercise our rights in regards to works that we deem to be derivative works, as long as they comply with these Guidelines.

Please note that we may use any derivative works you create as stream thumbnails, on social media, etc.

We do not consider the use of content within “Holoearth” as is, or with modifications lacking creative input, to be classified as derivative works. Such use does not fall within the scope of these Guidelines.

2.Our Requests

Please comply with the following rules regarding derivative works.

  • Please be mindful of our talents, and refrain from creating derivative works that they may find unpleasant.
  • Please be mindful of community etiquette among users of “Holoearth” and refrain from creative activities that may cause inconvenience to other users.
  • Please limit your creation of derivative works to a fan or hobby level. Do not use our content for business purposes (including, but not limited to, cases where a business bears the production costs, etc., even if it is under the name of an individual), or for purposes that can be deemed as for-profit.
  • Please comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including the terms and rules of any relevant platforms.
  • Please refrain from creating derivative works that fall under the following categories:
  • Content that is falsely represented as official, or can be misinterpreted or mistaken as official
  • Content that is contradictory to public order and morality, or exceeds what is socially acceptable
  • Content that includes matters pertaining to any particular ideology, belief, religion, or politics
  • Content that damages our image, or that of our talents or our content
  • Content that damages a third party’s image, or violates their rights
  • Other content that we deem unsuitable

3. Additional Notes

We do not relinquish our copyright or related rights of content within “Holoearth” through these Guidelines. We maintain these rights.

We make no guarantees in regards to the use of content within “Holoearth” or related derivative works, including any actions that may violate a third party’s rights.

We shall not be responsible if the use, performance, or submission of content within Holoearth, or a related derivative work, results in a dispute with a third party.

These Guidelines are subject to change without notice.

Please ensure that you follow the latest version of these Guidelines at all times.

Established September 19,2024